I was remembering some of the fun April Fool's Days from my past. When we were kids someone would always trade the salt for the sugar before breakfast, Koolaid was made without sugar. Grandma Henry would come over very early in the morning and with a ball of yarn tie up the cupboard doors, wrap the yarn around the furniture and around door knobs, it was a fun maze and my parents would never let us cut the yarn. It was Grandma Millet's birthday and when we were visiting her there were always lots of tricks pulled. One time my dad made a beautiful birthday cake for her out of a block of wood. He even decorated it so awesomely. She actually started crying when she couldn't cut it with her knife. Then he brought out the real cake. It is fun when you actually fall for the joke. I like to laugh at myself. At work we would list all kinds of weird patients on the board and get a good laugh at the looks on the next shift nurses and doctors faces. One time in Rexburg one of the nurses tied a string around a rocking chair in an empty room and out through the window. He would make the chair rock when people walked by. What a fun tradition and day!!!!!
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