Sunday, January 9, 2011

Goals for the New Year!!!

I have been thinking a lot about the New Year. I know it seems kind of late, but it is never too late to plan for the future.
1. Continue my weight loss plan. I have done well so far, but I can do better. My goal this year is to loose 30 more pounds.
2. Continue my weight training. I have been working on the PINK fitness program, which is an Olympic Weight Training program with Debbie Millet as the trainer. So far I can really tell the difference in how I feel. I really like the program. My goal is to keep going with this program and see how good I can get. Even if I am old!!!
3. Continue my plan to get out of debt. I have a few more debts to pay off and then I can truly decide what to do about retirement. Do I want to stay in Logan or move to a warmer place? Do I want to keep working or do other things? Do we want to serve a mission? Those I think are things to think about and decide for another year. This year is a time to prepare.
4. Food Storage. I have to get serious about this. I work at it off and on, and am so glad for the things that I have stored. It makes it so much easier when times get tight.
5. Read the lessons for Sunday School and Relief Society ahead of time so that I am prepared to participate in the lessons.
6. Read the New Testament this year. As well as the Conference Talks.
7. Organize my files and get up to date on my scrapbooking. I also need to get more stuff cleaned out of the garage.

Wow that is quite a list. But I think it is all possible. I love to keep busy and I love to see the results of my efforts. It is fun to make lists and then mark them off!!!! That is one of the best things in life.

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