Thursday, May 15, 2008

Scenes from the grandparents!

One of Ady's favorite things to do. Sit on Grandpa's lap.

Jeremiah loves to be different animals, I love how he runs down the hall. This day he was a Lynx.

Isaac was busy playing with colored pencils. This reminds me of playing the game tiddlywinks when I was a kid. We had a joke about playing tiddlywinks with manhole covers. I think Isaac could figure out a way to do that.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Looking through papers, I found a copy of our old battleship game. We used to play this in the car, and also any old time. One person would have one sheet, the other person another sheet and we would have to guess where their ships were. Sometimes we would play it with four people playing at the same time. When you shot a missile it could hit any of the other three. If you need a copy let me know and I will e-mail it.