Sunday, September 15, 2013

Relief Society July Activity--Pioneers and Bonnets!

On July 13 in the back patio at Williamsburg Retirement Center our Relief Society in the Cache 1st Branch had a summer activity.  We had fun singing pioneer songs, making pioneer bonnets from paper bags, ribbon and flowers, and telling stories about pioneer ancestors.  It was a fun gathering even though it was very hot.  As you can see many of the sisters were very creative.  A few brought their own bonnets and added ribbon or flowers to them.
 Here is the group singing songs.  The back patio is really very pretty and a nice place to gather.

 This sweet sister, Evelyn, made her bonnet ahead of time.  She used a "Depends", folded and gathered it and added ribbon.  It is awesome.
A closer look at some of the sisters.

 My 1st Counselor:  Ferrell.  She is so dependable and talented.
 My 2nd Counselor:  Pauline.  She is sweet and willing to help with anything.  The activities are under her direction.  She does an awesome job.
 My Secretary:  Janice.  She does her job consistently and is very supportive in all we plan.
Chairman of the Activities Committee:  Bernice.  She didn't know what she was getting in to when she accepted this calling, but does a fabulous job.

Fireworks and Work

On July 3rd I was working again.  It seems that I usually work the night Logan does their fireworks.  A few of us walked out our Ambulance doors and watched a few of the fireworks.  I always get a lump in my throat when I watch fireworks, especially when they relate to July 4th.  I really am very patriotic.  I love the flag and all kinds of parades!!  These are a couple of pictures that I grabbed with my phone.

 I work with a great bunch of people.  The Emergency Department is great.  We get to know and trust each other.  Recently Intermountain Healthcare started a new scrub program throughout the whole corporation.  All RNs are in navy blue, Techs are in light gray.  It was a little weird at first because I really liked to wear colorful scrubs, especially for holidays.  I quite like it now, it really helps to be able to tell quickly who is who.  Here are a three of the people I work with sitting at the nurses station in the ER.

Monday, September 2, 2013

June trip to Nebraska

    In June we made another trip during one of my 8 day stretches from work.  I usually work 6 shifts of 12 hours each in a row the the Emergency Department at Logan Regional Hospital.  I work Thursday through Tuesday, and then I get 8 days off.  Most weeks I will pick up an extra shift during by time off, or there are activities in the Branch to keep us busy.  It is great when we decide to go on a trip, because I don't need to take time off work.  We just leave.  So we left on Wednesday after sleeping for a few hours.  Stayed in a hotel in Cheyenne and then spent a few days in Bellevue before returning the same way.  It was fun because Jon had just returned from a deployment with the Air Force in Qatar.

We were there and able to celebrate Ady's 6th birthday.  She got to open presents, have a fun cake and then we went to dinner at the Spaghetti Works.  (Great place to eat)  Dad loves the pasta there.

 The next day we went to the Omaho Zoo.  What a wonderful place.  The animals are kept in areas with plenty of shade, water and the areas look clean and normal,  I like it.
 One of my favorite places is the butterfly house.  It is great to walk through there and have butterflies flying all around and if you hold still they will even land on you.  I love this bench right outside.  A great place to rest, eat a snack and take pictures.

Will's favorite place was the dinosaur exhibit.  They had huge animated dinosaurs, making noises and moving.  It was awesome.  He is very fascinated with dinosaurs right now.  That is not surprising because I have always been fascinated by them.
 Dad, just chilling.  He enjoys finding a comfortable place and letting the activities move all around him.  I enjoy being in the thick of the activities.  Jon and I had a chance to play "Magic".  I have not played that in ages, it was tricky trying to remember how to play, but Jon gave me a great deck of cards and it was fun to whip him.  I also enjoyed playing with Ady and Will and coloring with them.  It was great to visit with them.
Cute picture of Ady and Will looking out the window.  I think this was when Jon took Perdita (their dog) out for a walk.  They are so busy and involved in life.  It is great to watch them grow up.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was great this year.  They are sure more fun now over what they were like when I was younger.  Mother's Day used to make me feel inadequate and angry, because I knew that I was not that wonderful and that all of the attention was not wanted.  Now it is more fun, probably because I am not expecting anything and there is not the pressure to be a great mother.  I can be a great grandmother, just by smiling and giving hugs.  Such a big difference!!!!!!!
I really enjoyed all of the phone calls as well as the fun gifts from some family members.  It's not that I really expect or need anything, its just fun.

Jon, Holly, Ady and Will sent a bouquet of beautiful tulips.  With a "Greatest Mom" magnet, that is now on my fridge.  And a sweet little box of candy.
Corsage that I received on Sunday at church, from the Cache 1st Branch.  It is always fun to wear flowers, especially when everyone else gets them too.

Miki, Tovi, Kylie, Sadie and Lanie sent a fun box of fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate.  They were yummy.  I even shared with Dad.  But I ate most of them myself. 

Family pictures and activities in May

During May and June we received pictures from different family members.  It is fun to keep informed even when we are far away.  Got pictures sent from Nebraska, Texas, Scotland and Germany.

Ady had a Dance performance.  She loved the socialization and the dancing.  She is signed up for dance again this fall.  Clogging as well as the other dancing.
 This is a picture of cute little Archie Moran in Scotland.  He is growing so fast.  He is now 2.

 William and Ady in swimming lessons.  They enjoy the water.
 Ady in her acrobatics outfit.  They performed to "Take Me Out to the Ballgame".  And of course anytime Ady has a picture taken, Will wants to be there too.
 Penny Moran at activities in Scotland.
Sadie had a dance performance.  She is fun to watch.  She has lots of friends.
Moritz Nagelschmidt in Germany on his 2nd birthday.  What a great big smile.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Trip to El Paso in April

We had a neat chance to visit with Tovi, Miki and girls.  We drove down after I slept for a few hours after working my 12 hour shift.  We spent a few days and then came home so I could work my next stretch of shifts.  It was so fun to spend time with family.
 We watched Kylie play a soccer game.  It was amazing to see all of the teams playing.

We took the family to Baskin Robbins, it is always fun to see the kids enjoy things.  Lanie was really having fun with her ice cream and posing for pictures!


 Dad enjoyed taking this picture of the moon over the mountains as seen from Tovi's yard.

We also went to a steak house by El Paso.  This place was neat, it was way out in the desert and had a cute little lake there and a small zoo and playground.  What a fun place and the food was great.  It seems that I don't get enough pictures of other activities, like playing games, puzzles, reading, family home evening, working with Tovi on projects.  I usually just get pictures of people eating!!!!