Friday, July 2, 2010

Weight Loss Group

Well, I have been trying to loose weight. Doing ok, but not as good as I would like. I am setting up a Bryson Women Weight Loss Group. Anyone who would like to join me!!!!!!! My goal is 20% of my present weight in 2 months. If I work really hard I my be able to attain it. Let me know if you are in!!!!! I will send more info on the Bryson Yahoo Group. Maybe even post a picture!!!! UGH!


Tovi said...

I'm in! I need to loose this pregnancy weight. My goal is to have it all off by the time Miki gets home...the end of November. Thanks for the push and support Mom. It is easier to do this when you have other people cheering you on.

The Bryson Family said...

I'm in too.